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  • shayanjp

A week full of preparing. From Monday to Tuesday all I did was prepare for the big Gallery Walk day. It's ironic that I prepared this much for an event that is a preparation for another. After I had planned out exactly what I wanted for my display board, I spent an entire night preparing it and making sure it was ready to go. One major issue I had when I was creating it was practicality. When I say that I mean, that I used lots of tape, and it was very visible on the board. This gave it a very disorganized look instead of being as clean as I wanted, but I had to settle because I knew that if I tried to remove all the tape, I would have it ruined and would have to start over again. So although thematically and design-wise, It could have been a lot better, the information presented was well done. I even printed QR codes. My board had a lot of information ready to go.

When it came to the day of, I wore my suit and was ready for excellence. I was pretty nervous but not as much as I was for the Business Symposium, so our 2nd event was progress! During the 2 hours I presented, I feel like I gave very good information. However I wish I designed the website for phone because the QR code would take them to a scrambled website. I also wished my information was more appealing and less boring, but there isn't much you can do with Temporomandibular Disorders.

Either way I was very satisfied with the work I had done and I hope that people learned a lot about TMDs. I know for the showcase I need to try and probably bring my computer to show off the website or make the website phone compatible. This was a good experience and I cannot wait for the showcase.


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