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  • shayanjp

We are finally here. My final blog entry of my ISM Journey. I honestly cannot believe that we are already here. It was just yesterday that I was sitting writing my very first blog. All that I have learned, accomplished, and will take with me to the future is due to this class. And I can't even begin to express my gratitude for being here. But first let me talk about the Final Presentation Night.

The Final Presentation Night was one of the most nervous moments of my life. I had never imagined that I would be giving a 30 minute speech over Temporomandibular Disorders, but here I was. We first began the night getting everything ready. It was very stressful and it was rushed because we were running out of time. I ended up formatting my room to my liking and then we went out to set up the boards. First my mom and dad showed up, and I talked to them for a little before I spotted Dr. Spencer. Then we had a long discussion and I showed him my board. After a little bit of presentation to multiple people my two last guests who were my friends showed up and the whole squad was ready to go. In all honesty, it felt like 5 minutes in the cafeteria before I heard Mr. Green give the announcement to go to the rooms. I was so caught off guard but my nerves really started setting in. Everyone arrived at my room and I was ready to give my speech. And it went, great. As much as I thought it wouldn't I was able to get it about 29 minutes and 40 seconds or so. I spoke very clearly, and I impressed my audience with my work and information that I presented. Overall this night was a valuable moment for me, because I showed that I was able to overcome all the difficulties of not having a mentor.

This journey has been something I cannot put into words. I send this final blog entry and hope to look back and see how I have progressed, how I lost but regained my confidence. And how I was able to show that in the future I really have the capability to succeed. So for anyone who reads this, so long, may we meet again when I have taken my success and career to the next level.


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