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  • shayanjp

I have been working effortlessly to create my Final Product, and finally I can say that I have finished. I was able to get an extension from Mr. Green so I could make my work as great as possible. So instead of Friday, I submitted Monday. This process defined my journey and all my hard work, all into one final product.

As you all who have been reading my blogs know, this journey has not been easy. Without a mentor I have been working alone, and sometimes felt like I was on an impossible journey. But I can proudly say now that all my work is done. I created a website that would truly be much more impactful than the Original Work. I made the home page much more accessible, creating different sections that would quickly lead you to the most important portions of the website. As for the page regarding what it is, my website went much more in depth, and that applies to all pages. Overall this website was simply a better product, even simply as an extension.

Now the only thing that awaits is my Final Presentation Night, and then my ISM journey will end. I need to create a 30 minute speech, which is now really sinking in on how nervous I am for this event. But I think it will go well, I just need to keep a level head and be professional. I am inviting a lot of people and only 3 have confirmed they can come so that is an issue. But as far as the rest goes, it all relies on me, doing the best I can do. Its been a long year, and I will see you guys after the finale.


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