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  • shayanjp

This week was one of my least assigned ever. All I had to do was my blog from last week because I didn't have an interview to do an assessment over. So this week was all focused on calling people and seeing if I could schedule an interview. I called multiple people and got voicemails, I got "We don't do that here", and I also got the wrong number. Only two of the calls I made ended up going the distance of me waiting for a response. One of them told me they would let me know, but I never received any information. The other one was how I struck gold. I called them and they told me they would call me back in 15 minutes. I stood there waiting for their call, but about 1 hour passed. No call. I was in lunch when I saw my phone ringing and I jumped out of my seat. I ran to the corner of the cafeteria and she asked me what time I was available. I told her my range and she told me that she was open on Monday, October 30th at 4:00 p.m. Keep in mind this was Thursday. So today is Monday that I am writing this, and there are about 2 and a half hours until my interview. I already have my questions ready. The place is on Main St. I hope I have enough time to make it because by the time I get home, it will be about 3:20, and then getting ready will take another 20 minutes, and considering any traffic there may be, this could cut closer than I'd like. I may ask Mr. Green if I can leave 10 minutes early so maybe I can get there faster. But all I know is I'm excited, but still nervous even though this is my second interview. I can't wait to describe it next week.


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