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  • shayanjp

This week was the most underwhelming I've had in my ISM class. We had only one assignment and it was one of the easiest of the year. SInce we only met twice in the week. I was able to get everything done the first class. But how did it start? Well our class had one of the rare lecturing periods from Mr. Green. He was informing us about how to cold call. What to expect. How to schedule interviews that should be coming up in very quick time. It was honestly a little scary hearing it. But everything sounds scary until im right there doing it. After the presentation, we had our only assignment.

This assignment was called a Reflection Assessment. Very easy, all I had to do was talk about my preperation and execution and see if I did it well. And I might as well reflect rigt here. In my preperation I felt like I could have done more on my part but Mr. Green did an amazing job at preparing us for the interviews. And when it came to execution, I believe I was flawless in my speaking. I think I was actively enaged and really made a big step in my networking ability. The only mistake I made was that I did not finish off my conversations with a call to action. And I am not used to doing that. I got only one person's LinkedIn. But it also was that most people had nothing to do with my career choice. But that was the only assignment and I finished it off well. The rest of the week was to catch up on any missing grades which I had done all of which. I had a successful grading period finishing with a very high A. I hope to see more of that in the future.


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