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  • shayanjp

This week was one of the most important weeks in my semester in ISM. I had so many assignments that were late, I had my interview scheduled for Wednesday, and I also had another Research Assessment assigned.

I first began Monday completing my blog which was simple, then I completed my first Research Assessment that was missing, I ended up doing this over Lysate Cells as an injection treatment for arthrocentesis, this was the hardest assignment of the week but it also made me realize that going deeper into arthrocentesis would not affect my original work so I had to take a step back.

My second Research Assessment was finished on Wednesday and it did exactly that, which was taking a step back and looking at new options for treatment. For this one, I chose to do research over a new variation of a splint, this splint attacked TMDs at a different perspective and is very innovative and helpful to the treatment.

Unfortunately my meeting that I had scheduled for Wednesday got rescheduled as I was preparing for it. He moved it to Friday at 3:30, but I wasn't worried, I thought it would be fine to have my interview then. And then one of my classmates announced that they had found a mentor. I was happy and also very fearful because I still didn't even know if this guy would be able to be a mentor to me, or even any other person I had interviewed. Then on Thursday as I was watching the Dallas Cowboys game, I recieved an email from Dr. Reddy asking to reschedule again, but this time he left a question regarding if I was open for mornings. I left a response, and I now feel maybe it was too long. Today is Monday, and I have not heard back, I am definitely going to follow up as soon as I wake up tommorow morning, I was originally fine, but now I am very scared that this isn't going to work out.

Regarding my third assessment I also plan to get that in while I begin crafting my website for Original Work. I have a decent amount of hours so that won't be an issue, all I need is to get the product finished.


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