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  • shayanjp

This week was much more about how to be in a field rather than research on a specific field. And to be honest, I found that much easier. The first thing I did was review 3 other ISM peer's resumes. I loved this idea a lot because I was able to help out others with their resumes, while also seeing things that I liked and could improve my own on. I find it easy to give advice so this assignment came easy to me. And also another good thing is 3 others had to review my resume, and I recieved a lot of good criticism to help me work towards my final resume.

Now even though I said that this week wasn't as focused on research, it still had plenty to go around. We were assigned to another Annotated Bibliography. And I talked about how I was struggling to find new information, and kept going on the same path with articles. Well that all changed this week. I had to use 5 articles, and all of them focues on specific treatment methods. One like Arthrocentesis, BTX-A injections, and Laser therapy. I still feel like im struggling to find a true innovation or proposal. But honestly I feel like im very close, I wish it was easy to find a better treatment option or diagnostic source, but then I remember if I find something, what if doctors already tested it and failed? But I guess thats what the research is for. But anyways I felt a lot better on my time management this week compared to the last.

And the last thing but honestly my favorite, was the professional dress video. Our teacher assigned us to take a video of ourselves wearing professional clothing. I've rarely had to wear professional clothing, but this was just so much fun to try and create a nice classy look. I went with a navy suit and a matching tie. My teacher told me I should wear dark socks, which I understand, Im not really used to doing all that so thats cool to know. But my own critique, I need to cut my hair. I felt like it just threw off the profesionalism, but at least we got that done. And now on to next week, and we are getting much closer to the business symposium, where this professional dressing, will become required.


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