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  • shayanjp

This week we got back into the flow of doing lots of work. We had the most assignments we have had in a week for a long time. And we also had a major part of beginning our cold calling and scheduling interviews. I first started with a simple assignment in S.M.A.R.T Goals. This wasn't hard at all. All I had to do was state what i wanted to accomplish in ISM. This didn't even take me a full class period. During this class period, one of my fellow students had received a follow up call and got their first interview. I then knew, I had to start. I began creating my finalized contact list, prioritizing and ordering. And when I got home at around 3, I began my calls. One went out to a dental office right next to my house, and another a little further. They both asked for my contact information and followed up within the same day. The 2nd one I called, said the doctor had too many students already. I put that aside and decided I needed to experience a no so that i could really be successful. But then I struck gold, as my first call gave me an appointment the next day at 4:00 pm.

Unfortunately, the day of the interview I felt very sick, so I missed school, however, I knew how limited opportunities could be and still went to the interview. It was a very great experience, and I built a very good connection learning about medical and dental field and more about how the process is. The dentist's name was Dr. Blake Hutzler. A very young dentist who had very modern experience.

Next, we had two assignments, one was an interview assessment which was about the interview, and this was very easy for me. the next was our original work proposal. And this also came to me very easy. I decided on a website because I felt i could best categorize my knowledge if I did it that way. I talked about how I'm going to use my skills to my advantage and submitted a well written proposal. These coming weeks will be all about the Original Work. But i know I have it in me to succeed at that, just like I have in the past.


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