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  • shayanjp

After a week of inability to find an 3rd interview, it was time to get back to actual work. And the first one was a simple one. My first assignment was just brainstorming different people to invite to my Research Showcase, I was able to think of 15 people who I know most will not come but I thought it would be cool to invite. But this was a simple assignment, and nothing compared to the big moment.

Finally, after a while from our last speech, it was time to give the dreaded research speech, I still felt uncomfortable although my first speech had gone well. I was worried the information I researched would be lackluster. I was the third person to speak in my class. I made sure my presentation was simple so it wouldn't dominate my actual speech. I made sure my intro and outro were the best part of my speech. I wanted to have a great address and closing because that is what people remember. But of course, I had to make sure I had good information as well. When the time came, I had not memorized even one sentence of my speech. But what I had done was correlated slides with sections so it would remind me of what to say. I ended up leaving some things out of my speech but went over time by a minute. I was told my speech was given well but I still felt like I could have done better. But overall, it was a success.

As far as me contacting professionals went, it once again failed, everyone would respond but they would ask for my information and never respond, almost as if they were letting me down easy. It has been very discouraging recently but I know I have to keep trying if I want to find that 3rd interview and get a mentor.


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