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  • shayanjp

Well by the title of this blog, I think it is easy to assume what my week looked like. First thing on the list was to create 15 interview questions. Why you may ask? Because we have a business symposium coming up on October 5th, 2023. We will get to meet professionals from the Dallas area and really start making connections in our respective fields. The interview questions were easy to me, just ask what you want to know, it is as simple as that. Obviously keeping it respectful is something to consider. Another assignment we had was to create a rough draft Resume. I honestly found this a little bit more challenging than it was because I kept worrying mine would be too plain without having work experience. But finally I found a site that allowed me to get my information down in a neat and perfectly spaced way so that my resume looked full. Mr. Green told us that we will be assigned 3 people to review our resume, and we will do the same to others. Im excited but also nervous to see the critiques cause I don't want it to be an issue with my lack of work. But anyways, that is the easy part. And now for what I started this blog off with. Research. We were assigned a Annotated Bibliography which at first sounded really bad, but honestly I like it more than a essay. I mean there is barely any format or rules to follow. You just cite your source, and make a summary and keep going. Only thing is we had five articles to do this for. Not going to lie and say I was excited, thats a lot of reading, and that means a lot of dental terms that I have no clue what they mean. But I think now I 100% have found my topic in dentistry being Tempomandibular Disorders. Doing the annotated bibliography helped me realize I was looking at basically the exact same information over and over again when I should be attempting to branch out. If I don't then my goal to find better diagnostic procedure and treatment will be a dead end. We have another 5 articles to do this coming week, but now I know where I should be aiming. I think I might find a answer soon.


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