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  • shayanjp

After a long hard process through the 3rd quarter, finally came spring break. The week before that however is what was the most fulfilling for this class. I was behind on about 4 assessments, and still had no final product to create. But I finally was able to do most of my work. I finished all 4 of my assessments by Monday night, and I actually learned good information in the process regarding how psychological disorders have no direct impact but can indirectly lead to issues, as well as how estrogen may be the reason for why women have higher chances to get TMD. However through this I was struggling to think of what to do with this information. Especially without a mentor I really couldn't think of what to do. However I decided to make an extension of my original website, however it would be brand new and much more innovative. Other than that, we didn't do much. I planned and organized all my data so I could have an early idea of how I wanted to create the website. During spring break I was able to create a good beginning portion of it. However I have one issue, Wix. Although I am typing right now on this site creator, the difficulty of using it cannot be underestimated. It is very slow, and very annoying. I am already looking at other websites so I can leave this if im still in an early process. But overall I feel like I am making good process on my final product, but I hope its enough.

Over Spring Break I also made an attempt at contacting for a mentor, I know it is very late, but I guess some help is better than none. I was able to get in contact with Dr. Spencer, a TMD specialist's, office and they relayed the message. They seem interested somewhat but I still have my doubts considering how this year has gone for me. I hope I can get lucky however and get some type of help in making this final product, I feel lost. But I am holding out hope! Now that I am back from Spring Break, ISM will have to be my biggest priority.


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