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  • shayanjp

This week we finally had our major event. The Showcase at UNT. A time for us to invite our family, friends, mentors to come see all the wonderful work we have done since we first stepped into this class. But before we talk about that, lets talk about the days leading up to it.

Our showcase was scheduled for Friday, February 23rd. This meant we had a long week to get ready for it. However it happened to be an A week so I actually only had two days of class to get ready. I knew I didn't want to change up my board much but just clean it up. On Tuesday, I did my usual and I went down to the library and started calling people in hopes that they would respond and give me a chance, unfortunately I got neither. The week ended up going surprisingly fast, and then came Thursday, I had left my board on the last day to make changes so I had to use the entire class period to get it done. First thing, since my board was all covered with visible tape, I had to get rid of it and clean it up so I removed all the tape. I also reprinted the faces of my interviews because the stretched resolution looked very disturbing. I also reprinted the pictures of my site and for the next 3 hours (yes 3 hours), including me staying after school to work on it, I was taking off tape diligently, and reapplying double-sided tape provided by Mr. Green. But in the end I had a clean board and it was very ready to go.

On showcase day I didn't do much other than a APES retest, I came home and quickly changed into my suit, ate a quick lunch and started heading to UNT. The campus was absolutely amazing. New, modern, and just screamed mean green. I set my board down and me and my friend from another class Charlie, went and started roaming around until the showcase would begin. We caught up with some friends we had made during the business symposium at Lone Star, and were able to see their boards. I almost felt jealous because although the content quantity was similar, their board designs were shockingly good. One person had an antler standing by his board. Anyways it was time to head back and then the clock began. 2 hours of me standing in front of my board, in tremendous pain, but still keeping a smile. Many people smiled but obviously were not interested in Temporomandibular Disorders, but those who even second guessed, I was able to show that I was willing to engage and had great conversations with people. I feel like something so boring like TMD scared people but when they learned about it they were actually interested. Overall I rate the experience very highly and it was very easy, I just wish we had some chairs cause my back was on fire due to poor posture on the drive. While the event had seemed scary in my head, this was an easy event and I was happy to have the chance to experience it.


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