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  • shayanjp

A very boring week to say the least. I wasn't really able to do much because I only had one class period. This was due to me being sick on one of the classes. I had to use this week to try and study for other classes because I was really behind and I wanted to study for my quizzes and tests. Unfortunately this left minimal time for ISM so all I could do was still try and brainstorm for my display board and also prep my Original Work Speech.

Since I am so overwhelmed I have planned to begin contacting professionals regarding interviews to be my mentor after the Gallery Walk. I never ended up receiving a response from Dr. Reddy so now it is still a struggle to get a mentor. I worry about my chances but I need to just wait for my opening.

Regarding my speech I decided that I would spend most of the time as a refresher on what I said on the last speech and then tackle the issue of uncertainty and my interview with Dr. Reddy at the end. I worry that I won't be able to store all of the speech in my head but my method is to do exactly what happened last time and just associate words with slides. I even started using speaker notes under the slides which I have never had use for. But that Is all I was able to do this week. Next week I will probably finish my Display Board and prep for the Gallery Walk.


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