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  • shayanjp

In my previous blog, I told you that this seemed easy and that I would find this course a straight path to success. Well, I'm already getting proved wrong. And to be honest with you, it's better that way. Growth doesn't happen without a test, and this can't be the only one. This week, we were assigned to annotate two articles digitally. Now personally, I cannot stand digital annotations. Annotating on hard copy is so much more efficient for me, maybe it is just the way I'm used to. And I didn't realize when I first chose the articles, but I chose one article that was incredibly long. And as a dental article, so many words were used that I truly had no idea what they meant. I felt like I was progressing nowhere. Until I got to my second article, about TMDs or Tempomandibular Disorders. I have never been so intrigued by an article. Its length was perfect, it talked in an emotional manner and got me hooked on the topic. Temporomandibular Disorders, are the dysfunction or pain of the joint/muscle that allows for jaw movement. I learned so much about it and how much of a silent killer (metaphorically as it doesn't kill anyone). Now I believe this could be something I could dive deeper and deeper into. And just like usual after annotating the articles, we had to write a 500-word research assessment essay, on holiday. "Welcome to the real world where holidays don't stop life" is what our teacher told us. And I know he is right. As all my friends were going out, I sat at home writing my research assessment. I got stuck a lot because I was used to the rule of not using "I" or "me" or anything pertaining to myself, but this assessment was basically asking me to use those as much as I could. I had portions where I would write like I was explaining and then realized that wasn't what I was supposed to do and had to restart. However, I finished it and got the weekend so I could do this blog. I'm assuming these annotations and assessments aren't stopping now, but I also know my search for better treatment and diagnosis procedures for TMDs isn't over either.


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